A review of Stotts Tours (Oldham) Ltd by Mrs. Susan Duncan written on Wednesday 25th of November 2015
I must complain about the 10.10. bus on 25/11/15 Waiting at Stockport bus station, the bus drew in at 10.14 ,slowed but did not open the doors or stop, leaving me & another passenger with a buggy & a toddler stranded. I appreciate that he was a few minutes late arriving but that is NO excuse for not stopping. My 100 year old mother in a Care Home was expecting me. As the service is only one pr. hour, this is VERY annoying. I see there was another complaint about the same thing on another day for the 11.10. Maybe it's the same driver. I trust this driver will be reprimanded & I will get an acknowledgement from you.
Mrs. Susan Duncan..
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